
Best Digital Universal Aura Scanner Machine for Scanning Aura/Chakra/Geopathic Stress/Gemstone Compatibility etc.

Original price was: ₹76,000.00.Current price is: ₹66,000.00.

Benefits of the Best Universal Digital Aura Scanner Machine:-

1- You can see the true root cause of your disease and all the Seven Chakras (Glands) (Body Energy Level), High Acidity, and Stressful areas.

2- You can see Vatt, Kaph, Pitta, Body healthy and defective internal parts, future expected diseases, Premature or initial stage of an upcoming problem and immediate effects (Beneficial or harmful) of any treatment.

3- You can evaluate Vastu defects in your home, factory, shop, etc.

4- Know the true energy field of Gemstones, Crystals, Yantras, Tantras, Water, food, medicine, plants, and all living and non-living items.


Features of the Best Universal Digital Aura Scanner Machine:-

1- Digitalized Aura Scanning Reports

2- Accuracy in Calculating Results

3- 2.4 Inches Digital Display

4- Bluetooth Connectivity

5- Android and IOS compatible mobile app


Additional Features:-

1- Demo Video: A detailed Digital Aura Scanner demo video by Respected Achary Kalki Krishnan Ji, the Renowned Vastu Consultant, teaching Vastu for the last thirty years, totally Free with Aura Scanner purchase.

2- Global Reach: This is the only Aura Scanner, which is being used in more than 100 countries by renowned Vaastu experts, Numerologists, Astrologists, Gemologists, Reiki and Pranik healers, Chakra healers, Kundalini Experts as well as by Investigation agencies.

3- Digital Samples: Unlike the traditional aura scanner machine, samples are given in the digital form. It means you can connect the samples to the aura scanner via the mobile app.

4- Lightweight: Since the samples are in a digital form, it becomes very lightweight and easy to carry anywhere and anytime.


2 in stock



What is Digital Aura Scanner?

After the immense success of the Universal Aura Scanner, we have launched the advanced version called the Digital Aura Scanner. In this, you need not carry the samples, unlike the manual aura scanner in which samples are given in small empty vials. In advanced aura scanners, they are given in an app installed on your mobile. The app is connected to the Aura Scanner. In this way, a lot of weight is reduced now due to the samples being in an app.

What are the unique features?

It works in the same way as the traditional aura scanners. But below are some differences:

1-  Digital Samples: One of the major differences is that you need not use the traditional samples that are given in boxes. These samples are given in the UDAS app. In this way, once your digital aura scanner is connected to the app, it gives very effective results.

2- Bluetooth: In the case of manual aura scanners, you can operate it with the help of the sample boxes. But in the case of a digital aura scanner machine, you have to get it connected to your mobile device (App) via Bluetooth.

3- Internet connectivity: In the case of manual aura scanners, no Internet connectivity is required. But internet connectivity is a must in the case of a digital aura scanner machine for running the (UDAS) app.

4- Data Storage: Previous records of aura measurement are stored in a digital form in the digital aura scanner app. Whenever you require old data, you can find it in the UDAS app.

What is needed for the Digital Aura Scanner?

The availability of Bluetooth and an internet connection is a must for operating the device.

Limitations of Digital Aura Scanner

1- Maintainance is required at regular intervals.

2- Disconnectivity issues may occur sometimes.

The above limitations do not occur in the manual aura scanners. So, you are requested to make an informed purchase decision.

Digital Aura Scanner Kit

  • A handy bag
  • aura scanners
  • charger
  • Aluminum mass

With Digital Aura Scanner Machine, we are able to assess the energy field of a person and see energy blocks, leakages, and areas of inflammation, or depletion in the field by way of digital reports.

Benefits of Digital Aura Scanner 

Digital aura scanner benefits are numerous, especially for professionals in the healing and wellness fields. For instance, energy healers, alternative medicine practitioners, and holistic therapists are using the machine to gain a deeper understanding of their clients’ energy patterns and to identify areas of imbalance or blockages. They use this information to develop personalized treatment plans that target the root cause of the problem.

Along with physical matter, our body is the physical representation of a wider energy field (aura energy). If our energy field is not cleared and balanced, we develop an imbalanced energetic pattern and this can cause disruption at many levels, and possibly disease. Aura Scanner Machine is capable to determine the level of energy fields around a person, object, or place so that a necessary course of action can be taken as a solution.

Best Vastu experts are getting ground-breaking results. Any Professional is incomplete without this tool. Vastu experts are using this latest advanced scanning technology to bring a paradigm shift in their regular practice and be ahead of time. All Top world-renowned Vastu Experts in India & Abroad are using DAS (Digital Aura Scanning) technology with successful conversion ratios and results.

The machine is simple to use and non-invasive. It typically consists of a handheld sensor that is placed close to a person’s body while they are standing or sitting still. The sensor then captures the aura’s energy, which is displayed on a 2.4 inches screen. In the case of distant scanning where the person or object is at a distant place, a  pair of metallic masses is given. You can simply connect it with the device and start aura scanning.

The Digital Aura Scanner machine from AuraScanners.com uses advanced technology to capture and display a person’s aura in digital form. It works by detecting and measuring the electromagnetic energy that surrounds the human body, which is believed to reflect a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual state. It is being used by Great Astrologers, Vastu Consultants, Reiki and Pranic healers, Yoga experts, doctors, gemologists, Rudraksha experts, Tarot card readers, Feng Shui experts, numerologists, big investigation agencies, stock market traders, and the list is long. It is giving excellent results to our clients in more than 120 countries.

Moreover, personal development coaches and spiritual mentors are also using the machine to help their clients gain insights into their own energy field, providing them with valuable information about their emotional and spiritual well-being.

Additionally, individuals interested in meditation and self-discovery are also using the machine to track their progress and gain deeper insights into their practice.

Doctors from various specializations are using this device for supporting their research on medicines, diseases, etc. Big investigation agencies are using this device to investigate serious cases.

If you are looking to purchase a digital aura scanner machine, Aurascanners.com is an excellent choice. Aurascanners.com is a subsidiary website of Astro Devam, a reputable and experienced company that specializes in providing high-quality spiritual and wellness products. As a subsidiary of Astro Devam, aurascanners.com offers the same level of expertise, quality products, and excellent customer service. Digital aura scanner price at Aurascanners.com is reasonable given the quality and durability of the machine.


Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 47 × 33 × 31 cm


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